The Holidays Act 2003 will shortly undergo some of the biggest changes since it came into force on 1 April 2004.

The Government established a Holidays Act Taskforce to review the Act and suggest improvements to address what was seen as a complicated and ambiguous Act. There were concerns that there was widespread non-compliance particularly around the payment of leave, primarily because of issues with the way the legislation was interpreted by payroll systems. This was particularly problematic for employees who did not work a 5 day / 40 hours a week pattern.

Twenty two recommendations came out of the review and these have been accepted by Government and are expected to have introduced legislation by early 2022, which will then be subject to the full parliamentary process.

MBIE Labour Inspectors will still continue their audits and investigations and will require employers to remediate historical underpayments and breaches.


So, what does this mean?

Family Violence, Bereavement, Alternative, Public and Sick Leave (FBAPS) entitlement and calculation for payment

Annual Leave entitlements and calculation for payment

Casual and Fixed Term Employees

Other Changes


What Three60 Consult will do to assist you

My colleague Tasneem Begum and I have worked as senior labour inspectors with MBIE and understand that these are dramatic changes and they can seem daunting. There is a long lead in time with these changes not being introduced to Parliament until early 2022.

We will support our clients through these changes and provide you with the information you need to ensure you are ready and that your systems are ready.

Our first step is to host free webinar that discusses these changes and what they mean for your business.

We will continue to offer our Minimum Entitlements Review service to provide employers with the confidence that the processes they are following to maintain records, calculate and pay leave and provide their employees will their minimum statutory entitlements, is complaint and that they are ready to move into these new changes with no historical risks.


Written by Lynn Booker, Senior Associate at Three60 Consult.