Collective bargaining is the negotiation process between unions and employers about the terms and conditions of collective employment agreements.
Effective collective bargaining can significantly improve productivity in the workplace by ensuring negotiations are efficient, strategic planning is implemented, and employment relationships are protected throughout the process.
We believe in interest-based bargaining centred around equitable settlements that satisfy the interests of both parties, maintain workplace relationships, and maximise workforce engagement. Our approach is grounded in our experience that what helps relationships, helps businesses.
Our collective bargaining experience includes:
Our experienced bargaining team can assist with the entire collective bargaining process, including drafting collective employment agreements that consider the details that matter.
Our team can also facilitate private mediation to help progress the bargaining process in the event that it becomes stalled.
Chief Executive and Director
Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Our interest-based approach provides positive results while maintaining healthy workplace relationships.
Our experienced mediators can facilitate private mediation to help progress the bargaining process if it becomes stalled, and positively conclude a collective agreement.
2024 offered a dynamic and challenging industrial relations environment in Aotearoa, with bargaining processes showcasing the complexities and opportunities of collective agreements. Three60 Consult Founder, Paul Diver, reflects on collective bargaining in New Zealand in
New Zealand’s wage outlook has shifted dramatically as record migration, a cooling economy, and fiscal constraints take centre stage. Workers and employers negotiating wage and pay increases within collective agreements in 2025 face a changed
Senior Associate Maureen Glassey writes about the responsibility of employers to conduct workplace investigations into issues that affect their employees’ wellbeing. Hard on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic is a widespread malaise which is