Fair Pay Agreement for Commercial Cleaners Approved

Fair Pay Agreement for Commercial Cleaners Approved

A new application to initiate a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) for Commercial Cleaners was approved on 19 June 2023. While for most people this went unnoticed, look again as it may be of real importance for employers.

If you have any employees whose work involves 25% or more of any of the included job classifications below, this FPA will end up setting minimum terms and conditions for your employees. You cannot opt out of an FPA!

Your employees will retain any terms and conditions they have in their employment agreements (Collectives of Individual Agreements) above what is agreed in an FPA. This means as well as new minimum base pay rates, overtime and penal rates may be included and would now be payable, as well as redundancy compensation and additional requirements relating to training and health and safety.

Below is a list of the roles/work specifically included and excluded in the approved FPA application. Please check this to see if you have any of your employees whose job is potentially 25% or more of the roles listed below in the “INCLUDED” column.

If you believe you have employees who may be covered (or you need clarification), please call us, and we can advise you on what you may have to do and how we may assist you.

As this application is now approved, there are obligations right now as an employer who has employees covered under the proposed FPA.

These obligations include;

  1. Giving union information to your employees (regardless of whether or not they are union members)
  1. Giving the relevant unions employees contact information
  1. Giving your employees the opportunity to opt-out of having their information shared with the union party

If you have any questions or queries about what this FPA for commercial cleaners may mean for you as the Employer, please give us a call 09 273 8590 or an email to [email protected]


Which jobs/Work is included?

•      Aircraft Cabin Cleaner


•      Assistant Housekeeper – (Not Private)


•      Church Cleaner


•      Cleaner


•      Cleaning Supervisor


•      Commercial Cleaning


•      Supervisor


•      Factory Cleaner


•      Factory Sweeper


•      Hospital Cleaner


•      Hospital Housekeeper


•      Hotel Cleaner


•      Hotel Housekeeper


•      House Staff


•      Accommodation Services


•      Housekeeper (Not Private)


•      Housemaid (Not Private)


•      Industrial Cleaner


•      Motel Cleaner


•      Motel Housekeeper


•      Nursing Home


•      Housekeeper


•      Office Cleaner


•      Rest Home Cleaner


•      School Cleaner



·      Domestic Housekeepers (ANZSCO 811412): cleaning, cooking and performing other housekeeping tasks in private residences.


·      Laundry Workers (General) (ANZSCO 811511): sorting, cleaning, folding, ironing and packaging linen, clothing and other items in laundries and dry-cleaning establishments, and private residences.


·      Drycleaners (ANZSCO 811512): cleaning clothing, garments, upholstery and other fabrics using dry-cleaning agents and machines.


·      Ironers or Pressers (ANZSCO 811513): ironing or pressing garments and other fabrics, such as delicate and formal wear, in a commercial laundry or private residence.


·      Carpet Cleaners (ANZSCO 811611): cleaning carpets, rugs and furniture upholstery using powder, liquid and steam cleaning methods, and applying soil-repellent chemicals and deodorants.


·      Window Cleaners (ANZSCO 811612): cleaning interior and exterior window surfaces.


·      Cleaners not elsewhere classified(ANZSCO 811699): cleaners not elsewhere classified, including chimney sweeps, graffiti cleaners, high pressure cleaners, swimming pool cleaners.


·      Water-blasters


·      Building Exterior Cleaners


·      Pool Cleaner


·      Hostel Supervisors






















This article, and any information contained on our website is necessarily brief and general in nature, and should not be substituted for professional advice. You should always seek professional advice before taking any action in relation to the matters addressed.

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