Webinar recording: Upcoming Immigration changes

We recently held a free webinar on Employing Migrant Workers. Incase you missed it or would like to listen again, we have now made it available here.

Held in conjunction with Malcolm Pacific Immigration, the Webinar discusses the upcoming changes to temporary work visas and how businesses can prepare for them – in particular the requirement for employers to be accredited with Immigration NZ by 2021 in order to hire migrant workers.

Immigration New Zealand estimates between 16,000 and 22,000 employers who sponsor migrant work visas are not yet accredited.

While 2021 might seem like a while away, it’s going to come around quicker than you think, and with it an inevitable bottleneck. If you want to avoid getting caught short, you need to be thinking about it now.

Our Webinar talks you through:

• Who needs to be ‘accredited’
• What we know about the process and what you should be doing now
• What you need to do to become accredited
• Some risk areas to start thinking about

Have a listen at your leisure, and if you have any questions and/or would like assistance to become prepared please get in touch.


This article, and any information contained on our website is necessarily brief and general in nature, and should not be substituted for professional advice. You should always seek professional advice before taking any action in relation to the matters addressed.

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Christmas is coming…

Christmas is coming…

Once Labour Day has been [yes, believe it or not it’s this coming Monday], the next public holidays are at Christmas and New Year. It always feels like employers have to put a bit more thought into Christmas and New Year because: there are four public holidays; this is a time that many businesses have their annual closedown period; many employees take their annual leave; some employees don’t have enough leave to cover this period; some employment agreements have special rates for these public holidays; and, let’s face it, it is a busy busy busy time. In the next few weeks, my colleague, Tasneem Begum, and I will be offering a free webinar for those employers who want a bit more information around those tricky calculations for leave at this time of the year. We will also be able to answer the questions you have and the challenges you face with leave during the Christmas/New Year period. You are not alone with the questions you have – Questions we are often asked at this time of the year are about employing staff to cover the busy Christmas period

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One of those weeks: Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

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What the heck is going on with pay?

What the heck is going on with pay?

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