Worksafe Zealand Moves Stage

Posted on: Jul 18, 2013

New board will oversee the establishment of WorkSafe New Zealand for its December start-up.

Simon Bridges, 12 July 2013

Labour Minister Simon Bridges today announced the members of the Establishment Board of the planned new Crown agent, WorkSafe New Zealand.

“This Board has the crucial job of overseeing the establishment of WorkSafe New Zealand for its December start-up. The new agency will be focused on addressing New Zealand’s workplace fatality and serious injury rates,” says Mr Bridges.

“This will only come about through enforcing workplace health and safety regulations and working with business and workers to promote and embed good health and safety practices.”

Mr Bridges says the members of the Establishment Board bring with them a broad range of skills — strong governance backgrounds, business and worker perspectives, and experience in workplace health and safety.

Chair is Professor Gregor Coster, currently chair of Counties Manukau District Health Board. Professor Coster has extensive governance and change leadership experience, a proven track record from 20 years’ service on crown agency boards and an interest in occupational health.

Board members are Paula Rose, previously deputy chair of the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety and Police National Manager for Road Safety; Don Stock, a member of the Institute of Directors and the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum; Patrick Strange, current Transpower chief executive and former chief executive of Mercury Energy and Vector New Zealand; and Ross Wilson, former CTU president and a lawyer specialising in employment and workplace health and safety law.

The Board will oversee the transition of health and safety regulator functions from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to WorkSafe New Zealand, and the appointment of the WorkSafe chief executive.

For further information, see online.



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This article, and any information contained on our website is necessarily brief and general in nature, and should not be substituted for professional advice. You should always seek professional advice before taking any action in relation to the matters addressed.

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